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語言 |
D01 |
第一號委員會報告書: 青少年吸煙與健康調查(一) (1994) COSH Report 1:The Youth Smoking and Health Survey(1) (1994)
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D02 |
第二號委員會報告書: 青少年吸煙與健康調查(二) (1994) COSH Report 2:The Youth Smoking and Health Survey(2) (1994)
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D03 |
第三號委員會報告書: 市民對飲食店舖禁止吸煙的意見 (1995) COSH Report 3:Public Opinion on Smoke-free Restaurants (1995)
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D04 |
第四號委員會報告書: 市民對禁止煙草廣告及煙草公司贊助活動的意見(1995) COSH Report 4 : Public Opinion on Banning of Tobacco Advertisement and Sponsorship (1995)
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D05 |
第五號委員會報告書: 兒童吸煙與被動吸煙(1998) COSH Report 5:Smoking and Passive Smoking in Children (1998)
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D06 |
第六號委員會報告書: 市民對飲食店舖禁止吸煙的意見(2000) COSH Report 6:Public Opinion on Smoke-free Restaurants in (2000)
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D07 |
第七號委員會報告書: 青少年吸煙與健康調查(1999) COSH Report 7:The Youth Smoking and Health Survey (1999)
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D08 |
第八號委員會報告書: 香港飲食業從業員:二手煙與心臟病及癌病風險(2001) COSH Report 8:Passive Smoking and Risks for Heart Disease and Cancer in Hong Kong Catering Workers (2001)
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D09 |
第九號委員會報告書:香港實行食肆無煙政策對顧客的影響(2001) COSH Report 9:The Impact of Smoke-free Policies on the Patronage of Restaurants in Hong Kong (2001)
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D10 |
第十號委員會報告書: 青少年吸煙與健康調查(2003/4) COSH Report 10:The Youth Smoking and Health Survey (2003/4)
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D11 |
第十一號委員會報告書: 兒童接觸二手煙與健康調查(2010) COSH Report 11:Secondhand Smoking and Health Survey in Children (2010)
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D12 |
第十二號委員會報告書:「戒煙大贏家」2009 - 戒煙活動(2013) COSH Report 12:“Quit to Win 2009” and Smoking Cessation (2013)
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D13 |
第十三號委員會報告書:「戒煙大贏家」2010 - 戒煙活動(2013) COSH Report 13:”Quit to Win 2010” and Smoking Cessation (2013)
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D14 |
第十四號委員會報告書: 香港控煙政策意見調查2012-2013 COSH Report 14:Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey 2012-2013
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D15 |
第十五號委員會報告書: 香港女性吸煙與健康調查 COSH Report 15: Smoking and Health Survey in Hong Kong Women
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D16 |
第十六號委員會報告書:「戒煙大贏家」2012 - 戒煙活動(2014) COSH Report 16: "Quit to Win 2012" and Smoking Cessation (2014)
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D17 |
第十七號委員會報告書: 支持全面禁制電子煙 COSH Report 17: Support a Total Ban on Electronic Cigarettes
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D18 |
第十八號委員會報告書: 第四屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽 COSH Report 18: The 4th “Quit to Win” Contest
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D19 |
第十九號委員會報告書: 公眾支持加強煙包煙害警示 COSH Report 19: Public Support for Strengthening the Health Warnings on Cigarette Packaging
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D20 |
第二十號委員會報告書: 電子煙分析測試報告 COSH Report 20: Report on E-Cigarette Analytical Testing
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D21 |
第二十一號委員會報告書: 第五屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽- 一個前瞻性隨機對照試驗研究 COSH Report 21: The 5th “Quit to Win” Contest - A prospective study and a randomized controlled trial
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D22 |
第二十二號委員會報告書: 擴大法定禁煙範圍至室外公眾地方 COSH Report 22: Extension of Smoking Ban in Public Outdoor Areas
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D23 |
第二十三號委員會報告書: 第六屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽- 主動轉介對戒煙的成效 COSH Report 23: The 6th “Quit to Win” Contest - Effectiveness of Active Referral Intervention on Smoking Cessation
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D24 |
第二十四號委員會報告書: 控煙政策調查2017 COSH Report 24: Report on Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey 2017
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D25 |
第二十五號委員會報告書: 第七屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽- 高強度主動轉介對戒煙的成效 COSH Report 25: The 7th “Quit to Win” Contest - Effectiveness of High Intensity of Active Referral Intervention on Smoking Cessation
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D26 |
第二十六號委員會報告書:第八屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽簡短戒煙建議、即時通訊輔導及主動轉介對戒煙的成效 COSH Report 26: The 8th “Quit to Win” Contest - Effectiveness of a Combined Intervention of Brief Advice, Instant Messaging and Active Referral to Achieve Abstinence
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D27 |
第二十七號委員會報告書:新款擴大的煙包煙害圖象警示的成效 控煙政策調查2018 COSH Report 27: Effectiveness of New and Enlarged Pictorial Health Warnings on Cigarette Packs Tobacco Control Policy-related Surveys 2018
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D28 |
第二十八號委員會報告書:第九屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽 簡短戒煙建議、主動轉介及獎金鼓勵對提升戒煙服務使用和戒煙率的成效 COSH Report 28: The 9th “Quit to Win” Contest – Effectiveness of a Combined Intervention of Brief Advice, Active Referral and Financial Incentives to Enhance Service Use and Abstinence
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D29 |
第二十九號委員會報告書:控煙政策調查2020 COSH Report 29: Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey 2020
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D30 |
第三十號委員會報告書:第十屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽 以順序多重分配隨機試驗模式(SMART)為吸煙人士提供個人化戒煙輔導對提升戒煙率的成效 COSH Report 30: The 10th “Quit to Win” Contest – A Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial (SMART) on Personalized Cocktail Interventions to Increase Abstinence
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D31 |
第三十一號委員會報告書:加強控煙政策以防止二手煙 控煙政策調查2021 COSH Report 31: Strengthening Tobacco Control Policies to Protect against Secondhand Smoke
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D32 |
第三十二號委員會報告書:第十一屆「戒煙大贏家」比賽 傳遞與吸煙相關的新冠肺炎即時訊息對提升戒煙率的成效 COSH Report 32: The 11th “Quit to Win” Contest – A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial on Smoking-related COVID-19 Risk Messaging to Increase Abstinence
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D33 |
第三十三號委員會報告書:控煙政策調查 2022 COSH Report 33: Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey 2022
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