Smoking Cessation


1. To be healthy

  • The earlier you decide to quit; it would be more beneficial to your health. It was found that a smoker who quit at the age of 60 could reclaim 3 years of life expectancy that have lost due to smoking; while quit at the age of 30 could even reclaim 10 years of life expectancy.
  • Quitting could mitigate the health risks of lung cancer, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, stroke and many other serious diseases.
  • Improve sense of smell and taste; feel more energetic and has smoother breath

2. To safeguard your family

  • Your loved family members you live with, especially the children, will be safeguarded from the smoking hazards caused by secondhand and third hand smoke exposure, enjoy smoke-free healthy lifestyle.

3. To build up positive self-images

  • Thirdhand smoke taste on your body and clothes, as well as the burnt lampblack soaks on tooth and finger will be gradually removed.
  • Enhance the skin quality and appearance.
  • Establish a positive and healthy image.

4. To save money

  • At $60 per pack of cigarette, if you smoke 1 pack each day, you will save $21,900 each year and over $219,000 in ten years.

Benefit of quitting begin in few minutes

Quit smoking can bring immediate positive effects to your body and the effects will be lasted and multiplied when you insist to say no to smoking.

0 minutes Blood pressure and heart rate drop to normal
12 hours The carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
2 weeks to 3 months Risk of coronary heart disease is reducing, and the functioning of lungs is improving
1 to 9 months Coughing and shortness of breath significantly decrease
1 year Chance of having coronary heart disease is cut in half
5 to 15 years Risk of stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker
10 years Risk of dying from lung cancer is reduced to half that of a smoker. Risk of other cancers, like oral cancer, throat cancer, oesophagus cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer and pancreas cancer, is reduced.
15 years Risk of coronary heart disease is reduced to that of a non-smoker