To celebrate the World No Tobacco Day (31 May) and the 20th Anniversary of International Year of the Family this year, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) is organizing the World No Tobacco Day Smoke-free Publicity Campaign to promote the importance of a smoke-free family and motivate smokers to kick the habit for their beloved ones, as well as encourage the public to support their family and friends to quit smoking.
World Health Organization (WHO) dedicated every 31 May as World No Tobacco Day to raise public awareness on tobacco hazards around the world. COSH collaborated with local cartoon character McDull to launch a smoke-free postcard this year to promote the importance of a smoke-free family. COSH distributed the McDull smoke-free postcards across the territory and circulated with a free newspaper in Hong Kong on 30 May 2014. COSH hoped the public can make use of the postcards to encourage their beloved ones to kick the habit and enjoy a smoke-free lifestyle.
The kick-off event of the campaign was held today. Officiating guests included Dr KO Wing-man (Secretary for Food and Health), Prof Sophia CHAN (Under Secretary for Food and Health), Dr Constance CHAN (Director of Health), Prof LAM Tai-hing (Chair Professor of Community Medicine & Sir Robert Kotewell Professor in Public Health, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong) and Lisa LAU (COSH Chairman). To encourage the public to build a smoke-free family, cartoon characters McDull and McMug distributed the McDull smoke-free postcards during the event. COSH also invited CHUI Pui-shan, a participant of “Smoke-free Homes and Smoke-free Teens Campaign” in 2011 to share her experience in supporting her mother to quit smoking successfully. To prevent teenagers and children from the first cigarette and motivate more smokers to kick the habit, Masters of Ceremonies Sammy LEUNG and Maggie YEONG promoted the smoking hazards and benefits of smoking cessation together with artists Jay FUNG, Regen CHEUNG and Winkie LAI through interactive games.
“Family support is vital to enhance the motivation and success rate in smoking cessation. COSH, therefore, focused on promoting the importance of a smoke-free family this year and partnered with cartoon character “McDull” to launch the smoke-free postcard to spread the messages throughout the community. The public can make use of the card to convey their love and support to the smokers and encourage them to adopt a smoke-free lifestyle,” said Lisa LAU, COSH Chairman.
Dr KO Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health remarked that smoking is not only hazardous to one’s health, secondhand and third-hand smoke adversely affects the health of children and spouse. He appealed to all Hong Kong citizens to support the smokers to quit smoking, so everyone can enjoy a healthy smoke-free family and strive for a smoke-free Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Tobacco Control Alliance, comprising former Chairmen, Vice-chairmen, Council members and Executive Directors of COSH, was also united at this event. The members are passionate and enthusiastic in supporting tobacco control in Hong Kong and will join hands to build a smoke-free city.
To encourage the public to care and support the smokers, COSH and Commercial Radio One produced a series of “Go smoke-free with love” programme. The four episodes were broadcasted every Friday since 9 May 2014 during the radio programme “Kot bless you”. The programme received overwhelming responses from audiences who called the host Eric KOT to convey caring messages to their smoking family members and share how they enhanced the smokers’ determination and motivation to kick the habit. A father who smoked over 10 years had just successfully quitted smoking to provide a smoke-free environment for his newborn girl. Another lady hoped his husband could keep his promise to quit smoking so they could attend their daughter’s graduation and wedding in the future with good health.
Please visit COSH website to send a McDull smoke-free e-card and spread the smoke-free messages.
Photo captions:
Officiating guests, representatives of tobacco control organizations, artists and cartoon characters McDull and McMug promoted the importance of a smoke-free family on the World No Tobacco Day.
Hong Kong Tobacco Control Alliance was united for building a smoke-free city.
Artists Jay FUNG, Regen CHEUNG and Winkie LAI promoted the smoking hazards and benefits of smoking cessation through interactive games.