Smoke-free Teens Programme - List of winners in previous years
Champion: New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School
First runner-up: Queen's College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
Second runner-up: Jockey Club Government Secondary School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- The Yuen Yuen Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College
- Hotung Secondary School
- HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.1 Secondary School
- Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School
Champion: St. Catharine's School for Girls
First runner-up: New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 3)
Second runner-up: Queen's College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Mrs. Wu York Yu Memorial College (Team 1)
- Hong Kong Army Cadets Association (Team 1)
- HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School
- N.T. Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 4)
Champion: St. Catharine's School for Girls
First runner-up: Queen's College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
Second runner-up: New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 1)
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Hong Kong Army Cadets Association
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 2)
- S.K.H. Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School
- Shung Tak Catholic English College (Team 2)
Champion: NT Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 2)
First runner-up: Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School
Second runner-up: Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School (Team 2)
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Ho Ngai College (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen)
- Hong Kong Army Cadets Association (Team 1)
- Queen's College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
Champion: Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College (Team 2)
First runner-up: Lingnan Dr Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
Second runner-up: Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- AD&FD POHL Leung Sing Tak College
Champion: Lingnan Dr Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
First runner-up: Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
Second runner-up: Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- The Association of Directors & Former Directors of Poi Oi Hospital Ltd. Leung Sing Tak College
- Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School
- St. Margaret’s Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School
Champion: Lingnan Dr Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
First runner-up: SKH Kei Hau Secondary School
Second runner-up: Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College(Team 1)
- CMA Secondary School
- Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
- Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
- NT Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 2)
- Pope Paul VI College
- The Association of Directors & Former Directors of Poi Oi Hospital Ltd. Leung Sing Tak College
“Smoke-free Support Station” Campaign – the Most Active Participating School Award:
CMA Secondary School
Champion: St Catharine’s School For Girls
First runner-up: Lingnan Dr Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
Second runner-up: NT Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School (Team 1)
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College
- CMA Secondary School(Team 1)
- Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
- Pope Paul VI College (Team 1)
- Pope Paul VI College (Team 4)
- Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
- SKH Kei Hau Secondary School
“Let’s join the smoke-free family” Campaign – the Most Active Participating School Award: - NT Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School
Champion: Lingnan Dr Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
First runner-up: St Catharine's School For Girls (Team 2)
Second runner-up: S.K.H. Kei Hau Secondary School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- CMA Secondary School (Team 1)
- CMA Secondary School (Team 2)
- Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
- St Catharine's School For Girls (Team 1)
- St Catharine's School For Girls (Team 3)
Champion: Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
First runner-up: Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School
Second runner-up: CMA Secondary School (Team 2)
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Hong Kong Tang King Po College
- Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School
- Ning Po College (Team 5)
- Pope Paul VI College
- Precious Blood Secondary School
- Pui Tak Canossian College
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
Champion: Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
First runner-up: St. Catharine's School for Girls, Kwun Tong (Team 2)
Second runner-up: Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- CMA Secondary School (Team 1)
- Ning Po College (Team 4)
- Pui Tak Canossian College (Team 1)
- St. Catharine's School for Girls, Kwun Tong (Team 1)
- St. Catharine's School for Girls, Kwun Tong (Team 3)
Champion: St. Stephen’s Girls’ College (Team 2)
First runner-up: Lingnan Dr Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School
Second runner-up: Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
Outstanding Smoke-free Teams:
- Helen Liang Memorial Secondary School (Shatin)
- Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
- HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School
- Ning Po College
- St. Stephen's Girls' College (Team 1)